Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

On July 14 at 10:30 AM in the Large Fellowship Hall, the Heseder team that just returned from their mission trip to Camp Restore will share stories about their experience helping the people of New Orleans.

In the meantime, you can see some photos and read their daily blog posts at the Hesed Blog:

“Hesed” is a Hebrew word that means “kindness”, “mercy”, “loyalty”, “loving-kindness” or “steadfastness.” It’s the way God intends us to live together—a “love your neighbor as yourself”, active, selfless, sacrificial, caring-for-one-another brand of living contradictory to our fallen natures. The “Heseders” are continually looking to work together to share some small measure of God’s extraordinary love. Won’t you join us?