Thank you for visiting! Please use the menu at the top of the page for our church calendar, the latest from Saint John’s, an archive of older articles and information on individual ministries of the church.
Our typical Sunday morning schedule:
- 9:00 AM: Divine Service (first, third and fifth Sundays) with Holy Communion or Service of the Word (second and fourth Sundays)
- 10:00 AM: Fellowship Time (Coffee, donuts and conversation in the Large Fellowship Hall)
- 10:30 AM: Bible Study Hour for all ages.
Please join us!
This Sunday
When Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana, He performed the first of the signs by which He revealed His glory. The signs pointed to the hour when He would be lifted up on the cross for the forgiveness of sins and the life of the world. The Word and Spirit of God allow disciples of Jesus to recognize the glory of His cross, and so they believe in Him. He adorns them with His own beautiful righteousness and delights in them “as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride.”
Pastor Funke’s message (mp3)
Download the bulletin (pdf)