- Details
- Written by Tom Miles Tom Miles
- Created: March 27 2020 March 27 2020
Joyful Response is an electronic payment program that allows you to faithfully steward your financial resources. It saves you and your church time, money and effort. You control the frequency and amount of payments. Make stewardship commitments consistently and conveniently, lose the stress of remembering weekly or monthly to fulfill your contribution plans and save paper, stamps and time.LCEF.org
Members of Saint John’s have been asking for years for an electronic giving option for their weekly or monthly offerings. We’ve had to demur for all this time, suggesting they set up online bill pay through their bank, because the fees involved in processing automatic payments weren’t worth the convenience. But, thanks to a recommendation Pastor Nettleton received from another pastor at a recent Circuit Conference, we’ve discovered LCEF’s “Joyful Response” program, an electronic offering program with no fees!
The Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) is the financial extension of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. They provide loans and support services for LCMS churches and rostered workers. “Joyful Response” is one of these support services. They pay the fees for electronic transfers so churches don’t have to. The funding for this and their other programs come from the strong capital position they are able to maintain because of their generous investors and dedicated loan customers.
When you sign up for Joyful Response, you simply specify an amount you want to give and the frequency of your intended giving. If you’re interested in getting automatic electronic payments set up, please download the form below or get a copy from the Welcome Center or church office. Fill it out and return it with a voided check, and you’re done! Your transactions will be processed by Vanco and the fees paid by LCEF. It’s easy, predictable and consistent.
Note that Joyful Response is only for offerings made to the church from your bank account. If you would like to make a gift via credit or debit card, please visit www.StJohnsFC.org and click on the “Donate” link in the left sidebar. From their you can make a one-time offering or set up recurring giving. Card transactions are charged a fee of 2.9% plus $.30 per transaction. If you’d like to help by covering those fees, so the entire amount you intended to go to the church does so, you can click the “cover fees” button (your card will be charged the amount you entered plus the fees).
Tom Miles is the Parish Administrator at Saint John’s. You can reach him at the church office Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to Noon and 1:00 to 4:00 pm, at 482-5316 or at miles@StJohnsFC.org.