Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

The Heseders, Saint John's mission group, met in October and February to determine our path for 2015. With prayer and much discussion it appears our primary servant event for the coming summer will be a week at Wind River Reservation in Wyoming.

We are tentatively planning a Vacation Bible School and a number of work projects. We will be reserving rooms in Lander, so please let us know if you would be interested in participating during the first week of August.

Please join us in prayer for the Rev. Judson, pastor of the LCMS Mission church in Wind River, and his wife Kira. Their young son, Samuel, is very ill with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and in treatment at Denver Children’s Hospital. Please watch the bulletin for any immediate needs as we try to support this family through their time of crisis. Thanks to Cheryl Poole for offering a crib for them to use! We anticipate that we will soon be seeking respite care and meal assistance for them.

The Heseders are targeting a possible 2016 trip back to Peru to the same village our team worked at last summer, Nueva Palestina. The dates are not yet set for the 2016 trip to Peru. If you are interested, please start praying now and looking for the Spirit’s guidance! In the mean time, Kimberly and Nelly are applying to go on a medical mission of mercy to Uganda in August. This is sponsored by the same LCMS group that Kimberly and Jo went to Madagascar with this last summer.

For some time the Heseders have been looking into sponsoring a church in Africa. Due to the large expense of travel to Africa, it has been decided that this is not a feasible plan at this time. Shipping items is extremely expensive and we have concerns about the sustainability of an extended commitment to a congregation in Africa. We continue to pray for the Funke grandchildren in Tanzania and the Benson’s friends in South Africa. We also continue asking for the Lord’s guidance in where he wants us to be a support for our brothers and sisters abroad!

The Heseders will be providing a couple of the evening Lenten meals and coordinating the Easter breakfast again this year. Our primary fundraiser, however, is the Yard Sale the last weekend of May. The Fredins are coordinating this activity for us again, so please direct questions about contributions to them. If you love a big yard sale … have we got some bargains for you!

Blessings to you, from the top of Our Hearts!

For out of God’s fullness, we have all received grace upon grace.

“Hesed” is a Hebrew word that means “kindness”, “mercy”, “loyalty”, “loving-kindness” or “steadfastness.” It’s the way God intends us to live together—a “love your neighbor as yourself”, active, selfless, sacrificial, caring-for-one-another brand of living contradictory to our fallen natures. The “Heseders” are continually looking to work together to share some small measure of God’s extraordinary love. Won’t you join us?