- Details
- Written by Ron Young Ron Young
- Created: January 31 2013 January 31 2013
Following is brief information concerning how Saint John’s will go about selecting a Senior Pastor.
First of all, the responsibility for calling a pastor belongs to the congregation. Saint John’s constitution mandates that the church council is designated with certain duties related to the call process—and are therefore referred to as the “Call Committee.” The council is in direct contact with the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod District Office through the Circuit Counselor to discuss procedures that Council should follow.
How do we learn about possible pastors for this call? Anyone in the congregation may submit a name for consideration. That person will be considered as long as he is an active member of the LCMS clergy. Other possible pastor’s names will come from the efforts of the Call Committee or from the District office. Any and all candidates will proceed through a review process. The Council is required to bring at least three candidate names before the congregation for your final vote. Once a call candidate has been selected and has accepted the call, he will be formally installed at a worship service.
You will have the opportunity to make suggestions regarding the qualities you would like to see in a Senior Pastor. On the next page you will find a form to assist you in giving your suggestions and opinions regarding the type of pastor you would like to lead this congregation. You may also name a potential candidate on this form. Additional forms will be available at the Welcome Center. Please fill out a form and return it to the church office.
If you have any questions, please contact any Council member.
The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.