Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

The meeting was called to order at 6:01 PM in the Large Fellowship Hall. Pastor Nettleton led a devotional from “Around the Word Devotions” for the week of November 7–13, 2021 followed by a prayer. The minutes from the October 12, 2021 meeting were approved as circulated. The only Official Act for the past month was the release of Angela Marolf. Pastor Nettleton also commented on attendance remaining consistent year-to-date in comparison with figures from 2020. He also mentioned the fact that weekly worship attendance across the District is generally down by approximately 30%. There was also a brief discussion about future plans for streaming services. Knowing he would be absent from the meeting, Eric provided a summary via email. There were not any unexpected expenses in the past month. Eric noted two significant variations from last year’s budget attributable to our no longer benefiting from payroll tax provisions in the CARES Act and preschool attendance being down slightly since the beginning of the new school year.

Board Reports

Jim reported on behalf of the Human Needs Board, highlighting planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas activities. Almost fifty families in the community have been identified who may benefit from a Thanksgiving basket, the overall cost of which will be offset in part with a $250 Thrivent gift card. A Gift Giving Tree will be created for Christmas donations. Plans for providing meals for members in need, such as new parents, are also in the works.

Stephen reported on Preschool activities and indicated that with the recent addition of three new students enrollment is looking a lot more solid. Recent activities included the Bike Rodeo and a Pumpkin Patch field trip, with a “Thanksgiving Feast” planned. The Christmas program will be on December 16. Following research it was confirmed that tuition is midrange in comparison with other preschools.

Grant reported that the Trustees remain engaged with tree trimming and general cleanup operations around the facility.

Parish Administrator’s Report

Tom reported that recent problems with streaming worship services has been rectified with some computer upgrades.

Old Business

For the first item of Old Business, Pastor Nettleton reported the Nomination Committee was still attempting to fill several slots prior to the November 21 Congregation meeting. Pastor will email the final slate of nominees to Council members for final approval.

The second Old Business item was Council’s ratification of the Executive Committee’s October 22, 2021, decision to comply with the Larimer County Health Department’s most recent order to wear masks inside all publicly accessible buildings. Recognizing that signage was already in place the Executive Committee had unanimously adopted this statement: “Following the Larimer County Health Department’s ‘Ninth Public Health Order’, masks are required for all services. Masks will be available for those who want one. No other changes have been made at this time.” Following a motion and second the Council voted unanimously to affirm the Executive Committee’s compliance statement.

The third Old Business agenda item was the Council’s approval of a proposed budget to be presented at the upcoming Congregation meeting. No changes have been made to the budget proposal since it was presented in October. With the addition of October income numbers the end-of-year income projection has changed; Tom will adjust the offering number so that the income budget matches the expense budget and adjust the percentage above projections as needed. Following discussion about a sizeable increase in the year-over-year liability insurance line item, it was moved and seconded to approve the adjusted budget of $465,485. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business

Council approved without change the proposed Congregation Meeting Agenda for November 21, 2021.

On Pastor’s recommendation, Council confirmed the Christmas worship schedule as the second item of New Business. Christmas Eve services will again be held at 4:00 and 6:00 PM. Christmas morning worship will begin at 10:00 AM.

The regular Sunday morning worship service on December 26 will begin at the normal 9:00 AM time and consist primarily of traditional Christmas carols and lessons.

The meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM with everyone standing for the Lord’s Prayer.

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.