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Poster - Event Slides

The meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM in the Large Fellowship Hall. Pastor Nettleton shared an opening devotion and prayer.

Pastor Nettleton noted that attendance is back to the same steady level it has been at through the summer after the small dip in August. Darlene Vorce died September 5; the family is planning a committal service at the columbarium. Tom presented the financials in Eric’s absence. September income was low compared to prior months and historic September offerings. No out-of-budget expenses, though the elevator fix was a large one-time charge. The $10,320 deficit for the month brought the year-to-date deficit to $20,800.

Board Reports

Stephen (Preschool) reported the annual Bike Rodeo fundraiser is on again this year after having to be cancelled last year because of coronavirus restrictions. Jim (Human Needs) reported the board will be meeting under Kevin Seiler’s leadership for the first time tomorrow. Brandon (Outreach) reported that the board is still in hiatus, but planning to resume meeting in early 2022. Dorothy (Education) worked on budget numbers for the board and determined they didn’t need to make any changes from last year. Discussion followed about the Portals of Prayer subscription. Jill reported for Children’s Ministry that Sunday School is off to a good start, with four or five children in each of the two classes. Grant reported for the Trustees that a preliminary fall cleanup day will be held on Saturday, with a follow-up cleanup day in November to tackle fallen leaves. The Board of Fellowship and Board of Older Adult Ministry are still on hiatus.

Parish Administrator’s Report

Tom has arranged to have the large Hackberry tree in the Garden and the Locust tree in the playground pruned and elevated by Tanglewood Tree service. Remaining money in the Garden statue fund will be used to pay for the Hackberry pruning. Tom also contacted the city to let them know there are dead branches in the Ash tree in the playground and the roots of the Ash opposite the alley from the playground are pushing up against the sidewalk

These two trees, like seven others around the perimeter of the property, are the city’s trees. All of the city trees are Ash, and under threat from the Emerald Ash Borer. The city has prioritized treatment of trees based on their health and value. One of the Ash trees on the church grounds is Priority 1, and will be treated. Four are Priority 2, and will be treated if funding is available. The remaining four will not be treated. Discussion followed. Tom will get Tanglewood Tree Service’s opinion on the value of treating ourselves the trees the city will not be treating.

Old Business

Pastor Nettleton reported that he, Dale and Stephen successfully recruited RoxAnn Karkhoff-Schweizer, Tracy Young and Linda Funke to the Nominating Committee. Jim agreed to serve as the final member of the committee.

New Business

Tom presented the first draft of the budget for 2022. Discussion followed on various items in the budget. Over the next month, Tom invites notes from boards, staff and the finance committee in order to prepare a final draft budget at the November Council meeting. The budget approved then will be presented at the November 21 congregation meeting for final approval.

Council discussed sharing written annual reports from the boards for the congregation meeting, and decided to repeat that practice at the November meeting. Tom will send out last year’s reports for reference. Council will request the Foundation present an oral report at the congregation meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 7:03 PM with everyone standing for the Lord’s Prayer.

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.