Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM in the Small Fellowship Hall. Pastor Nettleton read Psalm 118, commented on how it offers thanksgiving to God for saving us in the midst of battle, and then offered a prayer for peace in the world. The minutes from the October 27, 2020, meeting were approved as circulated. Pastor Nettleton noted that both in-person attendance and online worship service participation remained steady in November and December. Official Acts in November consisted of Yvonne Doss transferring to Mount Calvary in Fort Lupton. There were not any Official Acts in December. Eric Gardner gave the Treasurer’s report which included an overview of how Saint John’s benefitted from the 2020 Cares Act’s refundable 50% tax credit, very generous year-end donations that helped offset lost preschool tuition from earlier in the year and the success on several fronts in cutting expenses. Despite all the 2020 COVID-related challenges, budget figures show that the church ended the year with a surplus of nearly $19,000 in comparison with 2019’s year-end deficit of approximately $17,000.

Board Reports

Stephen Maffett gave a preschool report which mentioned going through the every-three-year Colorado Shines evaluation review process. Among other features the rating process will include virtual open houses followed by one-to-one recruiting tours for prospective parents and their preschool-aged children.

Parish Administrator’s Report

Tom Miles provided Council members with copies of the current Saint John’s directory. He mentioned that since “active” status is premised on completion of Sunday worship attendance cards due to COVID impacts there appear to be a larger-than-normal percentage of “inactive” members.

Tom also mentioned that he had been unsuccessful in his attempts to secure the Christmas service attendance of a uniformed officer from the Fort Collins police, CSU police and Larimer County Sheriff departments. He will renew his efforts in advance of upcoming Easter services this spring.

Old Business

The only Old Business item consisted of Tom providing an update following the decision made by the Congregation at last November’s Voter’s meeting to decline the offer to sell our easement on the property at 308 Garfield St. Tom indicated that the neighbor has been informed of the decision not to convey and that there have not been any subsequent discussions.

New Business

There were three New Business agenda items. With the first Council members discussed and then voted unanimously in favor of continuing with their same Board liaison assignments through 2021.

The second item involved the selection of Grant Wolf to continue for another year in his role as the at-large member to the Executive Committee.

Due to the continuing impact of COVID the third agenda item dealt with the Synod’s request for approval to move the Synodical Convention from 2022 to 2023. Moving the convention back a year will mean the concurrent shift of holding District conventions in 2022 rather than in 2021. Following discussion the Council voted unanimously in support of the Synod’s request.

The meeting adjourned at 6:53 pm with everyone standing for the Lord’s Prayer.

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.