Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM. Pastor Nettleton provided a timely devotional by reading from Psalm 103 followed by prayer. The minutes for the March 10 meeting were approved as circulated. Regular monthly Council meetings for April and May were cancelled due to COVID-19-related restrictions. Don provided Council members with a summary of a March 17, 2020, Executive Council meeting to discuss directives, guidelines and public health orders requiring the cancellation of face-to-face worship services. Fred also provided Council with a summary of Council activities that occurred between the March and June Council meetings.

There were not any official acts to report between the March and June Council meetings. Pastor noted the participation was very good during the streamed online worship services and faithful giving has remained strong throughout. Pastor also mentioned that he had been conducting confirmation classes using the online Zoom platform and it appears St. John’s will have three catechumens ready to be confirmed later in the summer.

Eric was absent due to an airline flight cancellation, so Tom gave the report. Particular emphasis was placed on balance sheet notes linked to CARES Act accounting and the deferment of Social Security taxes accruing during 2020.

Given the COVID-19 circumstances there was nothing to report from the various boards.

The first item of Old Business was a discussion of Saint John’s participation in the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) under the newly-enacted federal CARES Act. The Executive Committee of the Church Council authorized Tom to submit an application for funding that received initial lender approval. However, the ultimate decision was made to decline a PPP loan. The vote to ratify this decision was unanimously in favor.

The second item of Old Business was a discussion of a facility-wide LED lighting conversion of approximately 240 fixtures and bulbs. The project involves Saint John’s being the beneficiary of a full cost, 100% rebate credit from the City of Fort Collins to complete the transition. Following discussion a vote to ratify moving forward with the project was unanimously approved.

The final item of Old Business was the ratification Executive Committee’s March 17 decision to comply with state and local directives to cancel face-to-face worship services and many other church-related activities. The vote to ratify was unanimously in favor.

Tom provided an update on electronic giving opportunities provided by the Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF). Approximately a dozen Congregation participants are using the no-fee avenue to give on a recurring basis.

As chair of the Taskforce for Reopening Church, Don provided an overview of the Larimer County guidelines. Currently attendance is limited to 175 for worship and other restrictions and precautions are expected to remain in place for the foreseeable future. The Council discussed particular guidelines—and particularly the wearing of masks—within the context of remaining open, Health Department compliance, exercising caution and maintaining safety.

One item of New Business was the ratification of a decision to cancel the spring Congregational meeting that had previously been scheduled for April 19, 2020 following worship. Cancellation was due to extenuating COVID-10 circumstances. The vote to ratify was unanimously in favor.

The Council discussed the summer meeting schedule and decided to cancel its monthly meeting in July. The next two meetings will be August 11 and September 8 in the Small Fellowship Hall.

There were not any Open Agenda items for discussion or action.

The meeting closed at 7:35 PM with Council members standing and saying the Lord’s Prayer.

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.