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The meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM. Pastor Nettleton opened with a devotion and prayer. The minutes from the September 10 meeting were approved with minor corrections. Pastor Nettleton noted September’s higher attendance and reviewed official acts: the Hausers and the Tolar family (Rachael Tolar is the daughter of Troy and Joy Bauder) were recived into membership by transfer and Nancy Behm transferred to Redeemer Lutheran. Eric reported that we are running a deficit for the year of $23,555 with no unusual expenses.

Board Reports

  • Elderberries (June): Will not host Thanksgiving dinner due to lack of participation from area congregations. Bensons presented Africa travelogue in September. Planning Advent meals. Revised purpose statement.
  • Children’s Ministry (Zach): The Sunday School has had ten to twenty students in class each week.
  • Preschool (Stephen): The Bike Rodeo raised around $2,000 for the school. Board reviewed 2020 budget request and a favorable area tuition comparison. Kandy is looking to get aides qualified as teachers.
  • Campus and Youth (Kimberly): Campus board is seeking help providing dinner for four or five students before the monthly prayer services. The youth will gather for Capture the Flag on Sunday.
  • Trustees (Eric): Planning an outside cleanup day for November 2. Seeking input from Architectural Review Committee on a patch of grass on church’s easement that owner does not want to water.

Parish Administrator’s Report

  • Custodial Services: Don Walker, custodian of almost fifteen years, has decided to retire. Tom is seeking bids from several companies in the area to provide that service at least through the end of the year.
  • Sprinklers: Trustees installed automated sprinkler controllers. System has been shut down/winterized.

Old Business

  • Nomination Committee: Committee is Pastor Nettleton, Stephen Maffett, Sue Gardner, RoxAnn Karkhoff-Schweizer, Troy Bauder, Sharon Whiteman. They will have nominees by the November meeting.
  • Boiler: Successful startup September 27. Tra Mar needs to replace one pump and relocate outside temperature sensors, then arrange for a state inspection. Eric described how the system works.
  • Congregation structure: Pastor Nettleton is preparing a study on Elders. We have most revised purpose/responsibility statements in. Will continue reviewing structure changes in 2020.

New Business

  • 2020 Budget: Tom presented the first draft of the 2020 budget. Council will review and return for further discussion in November, when the final budget will be approved for presentation to the congregation.
  • Board reports: Boards will provide written reports at the congregation meeting.

Open Agenda Items

  • Meeting Schedule: The next Council meeting will be November 12.

The Council meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 7:25 PM.

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.