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Poster - Event Slides

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM. Pastor Nettleton opened with a reading from Psalm 119 and Luther-themed devotional related to “how does one become a Christian?” The minutes from the July 9 meeting were approved. Pastor Nettleton led a discussion of the July and August official acts and congregation attendance. Dale provided the Treasurer’s report in Eric’s absence. In discussing the balance sheet and other budget summaries, he noted that income and expenses are close to matching and aligned with year-to-date projections.

Board Reports

  • Stephen updated the Council on Open Arms enrollment, upcoming preschool bathroom renovation work and the Bike Rodeo fundraiser. Kandy is back in her office following installation of the new boiler system.
  • June updated the Council on Elderberry attendance at an August Colorado Rockies game (which ended in a walk-off home run).
  • Kimberly provided attendance figures for the recent barbecue dinner for college-aged students as well as youth activities including mini-golf and go-kart racing.
  • Don gave the Human Resources report related to reorganization preparation.
  • Grant mentioned repairs for the sprinkler system and the need to plan for some exterior lawn work.
  • Sue gave the Fellowship report highlighting attendance at a separate Colorado Rockies game in addition to resuming “Eat and Greet” events in October.

Parish Administrator’s Report

  • Tom indicated that the boiler work is completed with the exception of needing to wait for some cooler weather for testing and certification.
  • Tom also mentioned engaging in preliminary 2020 budget request and other preparatory efforts with board liaisons and committee chairs. Most of this work will occur in October prior to consideration by the Congregation for approval at the November Voters meeting. One particular budget-related item that will need to be addressed is an exterior painting project.

Old Business

  • With a unanimous vote by those in attendance, ratified an email vote to approve the 2020 church employee health insurance package.
  • With regard to the congregation’s ongoing restructuring efforts, it was reaffirmed that the proposed structure approved by the Council will be presented to the Congregation at the annual Voter’s meeting in November.
  • Pastor Nettleton continues working with others on configuration of the proposed Elders Board with that being a status topic for discussion during the October Council meeting.

New Business

  • The November Congregational meeting is scheduled to follow services on November 17, 2019.
  • Discussion pursuant to Bylaw 4.1 occurred vis-à-vis appointment of the Nomination Committee. Final configuration of the Nomination Committee will include Sue and Stephen from the Council along with other non-Council members being solicited by Pastor.

Open Agenda Items

  • Pastor Nettleton highlighted the upcoming October 4–5 Fall Conference on “Human Life and Biomedical Technology” being led by Rev. Dr. Robert Weise, Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

The Council meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 7:48 PM.

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.