- Details
- Written by Fred Hartmeister Fred Hartmeister
- Created: June 20 2019 June 20 2019
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM. Pastor Nettleton opened with a devotional and prayer. He also mentioned the recent birth of Sam Gardner’s son, Corwin James. The minutes for the April 9, 2019 Council meeting were approved as written. Attendance for the past month was noted as being very good due in part to number of Easter-related services. Pastor also mentioned the Stevenson family transfer to Mount Olive Lutheran in Loveland where Mr. Stevenson had also gone through adult instruction. Revenues for the past month corresponded with the Easter season and favorable attendance. Eric reported that April revenue was 100% of budget. Several Easter-related expenses were also up slightly, with multiple services and organist costs.
Board Reports
- Campus Ministry: Kimberly highlighted the Youth Day event and the possibility of an upcoming barbeque. Other activities will be on hold until fall.
- Children’s Ministry: Zach discussed favorable attendance and participation in the New Life Festival, upcoming Vacation Bible School plans, the need for lots of volunteers and a break in most other activities through the summer.
- Elderberries: June mentioned an upcoming Colorado Rockies game and Lenten season meals. Most other activities will be suspended until fall.
- Fellowship: The last Eat and Greet fellowship potluck for the spring was held on May 5th.
- Human Needs: Jim reported on coordinating activities with Laurel elementary and student school supply lists.
- Parish Education: Chuck mentioned his recent out of-state trip to assist with a backpack distribution project.
- Preschool: Nothing to report other than nearing the end of the school year.
- Trustees: Grant discussed the upcoming heating system/boiler upgrade when after school is out, participation in the recent grounds cleanup, the almost-completed Garden project and bathroom access.
Old Business
- Boiler replacement: Grant mentioned the need for prep work needing to be done in advance of boiler installation after school is out.
- Congregation structure: With expectations of a more extensive discussion at the June Council meeting, the group noted the overall participation and several congregation member reactions during and following the Voters meeting conducted after services on April 28. Dale encourages congregation members to ask questions and provide input throughout the restructuring process. He also stressed that nothing is final vis-à-vis Board configuration.
New Business
- LCMS Foundation presentation: Jason Jones, a Gift Planning Counselor working with the LCMS “Transfer the Blessings” program, presented an overview of the program. In a nutshell, the program provides a four-step approach that assists church members of all ages with estate and lifetime planning. Jason emphasized that the Foundation with which he’s involved is a distinctly separate branch of LCMS and is not affiliated with the Lutheran Church Extension Fund. One important part of the Foundation’s mission is to emphasize the importance of Christ in our lives while recognizing that only two to three percent of those who create wills with the assistance of an attorney regularly designate something for ministry. In promoting the availability of this service provided by the Foundation, Jason indicated that he routinely begins by talking with congregational leaders first before officially announcing the program’s availability to congregations as a whole. In Saint John’s case, the official Foundation announcement will occur after July 1. Jason responded to a variety of Council member questions and concluded his presentation by highlighting the importance of “word of mouth” support.
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 7:40 PM.
The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.