Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

Meeting called to order at 6:02 PM. Pastor opened with a devotion on Jeremiah. Minutes approved as submitted. Pastor Nettleton reported that attendance in January was strong, with the high point on the first Sunday of January. We welcomed in two members—Eric Rubottom and Erin Pasold—by way of transfer. Eric Gardner reported that were down about $5,700 by the end of January. January brings a number of expected annual expenses.

Board Reports

  • Campus Ministry: In January there was a dinner and prayer service with seven or eight students in attendance, with another planned for the end of February.
  • Elderberries: Will host morning Lent meals.
  • Fellowship: Had the first Sunday Eat and Greet in January and February. Coordinated the new member reception on February tenth. Have started planning for evening Lenten meals. Have received information on Faith Day at the Rockies with Kari Jobe.
  • Human Needs: Met to discuss the types of projects they have done in the past and possible future projects. Seeking chairperson and more congregation involvement.
  • Preschool: 32 students registered for next fall. Continuing preparations for the fall Colorado Shines evaluation. Preparing a proposal to renovate the rarely used women’s restroom by the Food and Clothing Bank into a dedicated preschool bathroom.
  • Trustees: Foundation approved funding for a ReechCraft lift, to be used for projects like assembling the chancel Christmas Tree, changing light bulbs and cleaning.
  • Worship: Replaced communion cup bowls (old were breaking). Worship Arts will purchase a new Christmas tree for north entry. The board requested the “church family” bulletin board outside the office be moved to the south narthex. Council asked for a specific plan for future review.
  • Youth: Feed My Starving Children event is Friday and Saturday.

Parish Administrator’s Report

  • New Paper Product Supplier: Have been running over budget on items such as toilet paper and paper towels. Looking into providers with lower prices who will also replace and restock fixtures.
  • Entrance Bulletin Board Replacements: Proposed replacing entry bulletin boards (that advertise upcoming church events) with TV screens, to create a more professional and streamlined look. Screens are easily modified and updated via WiFi. Funded with Thrivent Action Teams. Council approved the idea. Tom will contact the Trustees for installation.

Old Business

  • Boiler Update: Tra Mar has received all of our parts. Tom will make arrangements to have them stored in the building and make payment once they are delivered. Tra Mar will give us some time once the boiler room is empty to clean and tidy up the space.
  • Congregation Restructure Recommendation: Pastor Nettleton explained that this initiative was started when he came to Saint John’s. Over time, it has been noticed that there is some disconnect and inefficiencies with our current structure. The Congregation Structure Committee was assembled and identified our current state, noting inefficiencies, and proposing a future state which consolidates many things, adds accountability and streamlines our structure. This future state also shifts some responsibilities to make the work more spread out between the boards as well as making sure certain areas are addressed such as Pastoral and staff support which are currently unaddressed. This current and future state was given to the Council and displayed in several diagrams. It has been recommended to implement this change in three phases which are board consolidation, Council restructure and Lay Minister/Board of Elders restructure. Pastor gave a run-down of the board restructure for clarification of how the future state might look. Discussion followed. Sam suggested having a clear-cut written synopsis of what the first phase of the change might look like. Dale tabled discussion by asking Council to consider any amendments that they would like to make to this restructure recommendation and bring that back to the next meeting.

Open Agenda Items

  • Note From Secretary Sam: Want to inform Council that due to upcoming life events I will be resigning from my seat on Council at the end of April. I will bring a formal letter of resignation to Dale and the rest of Council to the next meeting.

Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 8:11 PM.

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.