Poster - Worship Slides

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Poster - Event Slides

The meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM. Dale welcomed all to the new year, especially new member Jeremy. Pastor Nettleton opened with a devotion. Eric moved that the minutes be approved as presented. Second by Zach. Motion passed. Pastor Nettleton reported that both November and December attendance was strong. The evening Advent services had higher attendance than the morning services for the first time since he has been at Saint John’s. Official Acts were the funerals of Clara Alley and Tony Schlehuber and the transfer of the Molzer family. In February, expecting an adult baptism in and to recognize four families at a new member reception. Eric reported a good end to 2018, down just $7,000. Made up a lot of ground in December.

Board Reports

  • Outreach: Nothing to report.
  • Finance: Nothing to report.
  • Older Adult Ministries: Served 33, 39 and 27 at the morning midweek Advent meals. Planning to serve again for Lent. Rockies outing in the works.
  • Parish Education: Nothing to report.
  • Fellowship: Meet and Greets December 2 and January 6. Next will be February 3. Served 20–25 each evening midweek Advent meal. Will coordinate evening Lent meals.
  • Human Needs: The congregation gave gifts to twenty Laurel children, plus gift cards to Alpha Center and visits to shut-ins, through the Giving Tree. The board put together fourteen Thanksgiving baskets for Laurel families using Thrivent Action Team funds. Seeking additional members.
  • Preschool: Spring semester enrollment is just one child short of capacity. Preschool Fair and Open House for the 2019–2020 school year are coming soon. Colorado Shines mock evaluation this week, with the actual evaluation in the fall. The Preschool Christmas program brought over 200 friends and family to the sanctuary in December.
  • Campus: Resuming classes and evening prayer services in January.
  • Youth: Planning for Feed My Starving Children event in February and expecting a February youth fellowship activity.
  • Worship: Reviewed Advent/Christmas service and coordinated upcoming services.
  • Children’s Ministry: Great Christmas program. Discussed the difference in the number of children going up for the Children’s Sermon on Sunday morning versus the Sunday School attendance numbers.
  • Trustees: Nothing to report. Looking at some small maintenance projects.
  • Lay Ministry: Nothing to report.

Old Business

  • Boiler Update: Eric reported that the boiler units are in, but we’re still waiting on the pumps. Once all items are received, they will be delivered here to the church.
  • Congregation Structure Committee Report: Dale asked all to review the proposal so that Council can begin discussion and planning at the February meeting.

New Business

  • Executive Committee: Grant will once again serve as the at-large member of the executive committee.
  • Liaison Assignments: Most liaisons will remain the same, with just a few small adjustments: Eric will move to Finance/Stewardship (as treasurer), Don will move to Human Resources, and Jeremy will liaise to the Board of Outreach.
  • Lent/Holy Week/Easter Service Times: Pastor Nettleton would like to move the evening Holy (Maundy) Thursday service to 7:00 PM instead of 6:30 PM, to match up with Good Friday and give people more time to get there. Discussion of other potential future changes. Council approved the Holy (Maundy) Thursday time change.
  • LCMS Foundation Gift Planning: The Foundation has offered to pay to have a Gift Planner from the LCMS present on end-of-life financial planning to groups in the church and schedule one-on-one meetings with those who are interested. Motion by Jim to give the Foundation approval to proceed. Second by June. Motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM with the Lord’s Prayer.

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.