Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

The meeting was called to order at 5:59 PM. Pastor Nettleton opened with a devotion. The minutes were approved as presented. Pastor Nettleton reported that September attendance was good compared to prior years. He noted that there are six in Confirmation and four (two non-member) in the Adult Catechesis class. Nancy reported that income from the five Sundays of September was good, with the month up $6,963. That improves the deficit for the year to $17,969. There were no out-of-the-ordinary expenses. The preschool has already made up its summer deficit.

Parish Administrator’s Report

  • Tom will draft a thank you letter to the firm that provided free engineering for the boiler replacement project.

Old Business

  • Report from the Congregation Structure Committee: Bruce explained that the goal of the committee was to determine how the structure of the congregation’s leadership currently supports the work of the church, and what changes might be made to improve that structure. He presented the committee’s findings and recommendations. Council will discuss the proposals and develop the elements of it they wish to pursue into an action plan.
  • Report from the Nomination Committee: Pastor Nettleton reported that the committee has met and started making calls to potential nominees.
  • Boiler Follow-Up: Pastor Nettleton thanked those who prepared and presented the heating system project to the congregation.

New Business

  • Presentation of the First Draft 2019 Budget: Tom walked through the budget draft, noting significant changes from last year’s budget. Discussion followed. Council will direct further questions through email. A revised budget will be presented at the November meeting, at which time Council should also have payroll recommendations from the Board of Human Resources. Council will approve a budget to present to the congregation November 11 for approval.

Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 7:43 PM.

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.