- Details
- Written by Sam Gardner Sam Gardner
- Created: August 21 2018 August 21 2018
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM once a quorum was present. Pastor Nettleton opened with a devotion. The May minutes were approved as written. Pastor Nettleton presented the May attendance numbers and official acts. Attendance was typical for May. Official acts were the funeral of Carl Jorgensen and confirmation of Codi Poole and Sarah Yourshaw. Nancy Behm explained in her report that offering income has been low, but we have been spending under budget. We are down about $4,900 for the month and down about $4,400 for the year.
Board Reports
- Campus Ministry: Have had first meeting with new committee members; a follow-up meeting is planned for July.
- Children’s Ministry: Had 56 kids for VBS. Sunday school is taking a break for the summer but will resume in the fall.
- Elderberries: Going to a Rockies game August 23. Taking a break from monthly activities until September.
- Human Needs: Heseders held a garage sale and raised about $2000.
- Preschool: Did not meet today but looking into making some updates to the playground to incorporate more creative play.
- Trustees: There are a few things to clean and fix-up outside including some sprinkler issues and fixing a leaking window well. During VBS, we discovered someone sleeping overnight on the property and the police have suggested turning on the sprinklers for a few minutes in certain areas to avoid this. There has also been an issue with people smoking pot in our parking lot. If this occurs again, contact Tom. Eric and Tom are working to get some new high efficiency toilets from the city that would be free after the rebate.
- Youth: On break for the summer.
Parish Administrator’s Report
- Our neighbor on Garfield street is getting ready to replace grass and add trees next to our parking lot (at his expense) now that his home construction and fence are finished.
Old Business
- Boiler: Eric gave a brief update and is still patiently waiting for all bids to come in.
Open Agenda Items
- Wi-Fi Thermostats: We are installing WiFi-capable thermostats throughout the building, beginning with the sanctuary. These thermostats will allow us to monitor the temperature of the building from anywhere and alert us to problems.
- July Meeting: The July Council meeting may be cancelled if there are no pressing matters by then.
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 6:30 PM.
The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.