Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. Dale opened with a prayer. The April meeting minutes were approved as submitted. There was discussion on the actions taken at the April 19 Executive Committee meeting. The Executive Committee meeting minutes were approved as submitted. Ruby Young, daughter of new members Cory and Christine Young, was baptized in April. Net positive for April and year-to-date thanks to spending under budget and a good month of offerings.

Board Reports

  • Campus Ministry: The board met for an initial brainstorming session. Intent is to maintain partnership with Peace With Christ. The board will continue meeting through the summer.
  • Children’s Ministry: Summer Sunday School break begins soon. VBS is June 4–7.
  • Elderberries: Rockies trip for August 23. May Thursday potluck will be the last before a summer break.
  • Fellowship: Final Eat and Greet potluck before a summer break was last Sunday; will resume October.
  • Finance/Stewardship: Nothing to report.
  • Human Needs: Alpha Center fundraiser begins Sunday and runs through Father’s Day. The Heseder Yard Sale is June 1–2. Kimberly Pepmiller is headed to Tanzania for a Mercy Medical Mission May 17.
  • Human Resources: Nothing to report.
  • Outreach: The board is working on the fall presentation and seminar.
  • Parish Education: Nothing to report.
  • Preschool: Completed trike-a-thon fundraiser for St. Jude hospital. Mother’s Day Tea will be May 11. Spring program will be May 17. Graduation and end of school is May 25. Pour Brothers fundraiser will be October 10. Will clear out Jr. Youth classroom this summer. Fall Classes are filling.
  • Trustees: Ten volunteers at last Saturday’s cleanup. Architectural Review Committee met and discussed removing the bushes on the south side of the church. The replacement AC unit will be installed soon.
  • Youth: The May activity will be the final youth event before summer break.

Parish Administrator’s Report

  • New Copier: We have signed a contract with a new copier vendor that should bring big monthly savings.

Old Business

  • Boiler: Eric reported that we have two bids so far. Discussion followed on options and whether Council needs to call a summer congregation meeting to approve funding. Discussion tabled to June meeting.

Adjourned at 6:45 with the Lord’s Prayer.

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.