- Details
- Written by Sam Gardner Sam Gardner
- Created: May 15 2018 May 15 2018
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. Pastor Nettleton opened with a devotion. The minutes approved as written. Pastor Nettleton reported that services, including Holy Week, have been well attended, and thanked all who helped through Holy Week. Received the Young family into membership in April. Nancy reported that March ended in the black by $250, but we are down about $8,600 for the year. April should be a strong month with five Sundays and Easter. The Preschool budget is looking quite well.
Board Reports
- Campus Ministry: Pastor Nettleton is working to schedule a board meeting with those who have expressed interest.
- Children’s Ministry: Palm Sunday singing and the New Life Festival both were awesome.
- Elderberries: Have had good attendance at Lenten meals and the Calvano’s will be presenting their Canada trip at an upcoming potluck. Will try to schedule a Rockies game sometime this summer.
- Finance: Nothing to report.
- Human Needs: Nothing to report.
- Human Resources: Nothing to report.
- Lay Ministry: Nothing to report.
- Outreach: Met and discussed the plan for spring. There is another meeting this week.
- Parish Education: Met but nothing to report.
- Preschool: Met earlier today. Received a $1,200 grant from Colorado Shines that was used for various activities. Considering adding different enrichment activities (dance, drama, arts, etc.) that would take place between the morning and afternoon classes on Mondays and Wednesdays starting next school year. The board is asking for permission to use other rooms in the building for these activities. The providers for these activities have their own insurance and the cost for the providers will come from the parents. Don suggests we let them use the Junior Youth room just west of the Preschool rooms. Council agrees.
- Trustees: Met and discussed the little things to be cleaned up and fixed.
- Worship: Nothing to report.
- Youth: Youth group continuing to do youth events through the spring.
Parish Administrator’s Report
- AC Unit: Installation is in progress with a small setback in that we need an engineer to sign off on the project. Despite that, we will be within budget.
Old Business
- Boiler Proposals: Eric has not gotten bids back, but should soon. There is a possibility of a rebate from Xcel Energy provided we switch energy companies and the project is done in a preventative manner. At the congregation meeting, this topic will be brought up briefly but we will wait to make a full presentation and seek funding until we have a sound proposal.
- Update on Shimoda Estate: The gift has been received with letter from the Shimoda family’s lawyer stating that the money has been given to the church to be used for the columbarium as part of The Garden. Don made a motion to rescind Council’s suggestion made in January 2018 that the Shimoda funds be handled by the Foundation. Eric seconded this motion, Council approved. We will ask The Garden committee to investigate doing the project in phases, beginning with the Columbarium.
- Spring Congregation Meeting: Will have a Garden update as well as bringing up the possibility of replacing the boiler.
Open Agenda Items
- Security Taskforce: Have met and has put together a risk assessment and mitigation document. The plan is to rely heavily on the resources within Saint John’s, but will avoid liability implications of putting together a specific security or medical team. Will be exploring how to make the facility easier to control and monitor. Waiting to hear back from the Fort Collins Police to hear what their security recommendations would be for the facility.
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 7:45 PM.
The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.