- Details
- Written by Sam Gardner Sam Gardner
- Created: March 15 2018 March 15 2018
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM. Pastor Nettleton opened with a devotion on Lent. The minutes were approved as written. Pastor Nettleton reported good average attendance through January. The Harwells transferred into membership. Robert Prochnow’s funeral was January 30. We will formally welcome new members from the past few months at this Sunday’s service. Nancy reported that we are down about $6,000 year-to-date, mostly due to annual expenses that occur in January.
Board Reports
- Campus Ministry: Will be scheduling a meeting with new board members soon.
- Children’s Ministry: The children will be singing on Palm Sunday; we are expecting a big group from the growing Sunday School.
- Elderberries: Met in January. Planned all noon Lenten meals and activities for the spring and summer months.
- Fellowship: Held the February Eat and Greet. There will be two more before the summer break, in March and May. Lenten dinners are all assigned and planned. There will be a reception for our new members this Sunday. Rockies Faith Day planning is in the works.
- Finance: Have not met.
- Human Needs: There is currently no chair person. Nothing new to report.
- Human Resources: Nothing to report.
- Lay Ministry: Nothing to report.
- Outreach: No report.
- Parish Education: Have not met.
- Preschool: No report.
- Trustees: Met last Sunday. The Trustees will be addressing a few small issues around the church. Would like to discuss replacing the rooftop air conditioning unit for the sanctuary balcony (see further discussion, below).
- Worship: Have not met.
- Youth: Have planned youth activities through May. Will be rescheduling the January activity. This Saturday is the Feed My Starving Children “Slammin’ Famine” event.
Parish Administrator’s Report
- Request from St. Andrew Church in Arvada: St. Andrew is planning to open an assisted living facility at their church and would like to call it “Open Arms”. They called to seek our permission to use the name. Discussion followed. We have no trademark on the name. Council voted to approve the use of the name, with the request that they don’t use anything close to our logo.
Old Business
- Congregation structure committee: Ron Young and Ruth Seiler have agreed to serve with Pastor Nettleton and Bruce Bachman on this committee. They will have their first meeting soon.
- Security taskforce: We have a taskforce recruited and are planning the first meeting. The taskforce will brainstorm ideas for improving the security and safety—including identifying medical needs and resources—of the church. They will prepare a list of recommendations for Council. Pastor will liaise back to Council.
- Architecture Review committee: Grant has reached out to the members of the committee. The group will have their first meeting the day of the Trustees’ spring clean-up. This committee was formed by the Council and will report to the Council. They are a committee of the council, so do not need to be recorded in the bylaws.
- Building Use Policy: Ron and Tracy Young are getting the policy to a lawyer for review. Should have that review by the March Council meeting.
New Business
- Security for Easter: Council discussed hiring off-duty police officers for the main Easter service. Zach made a motion to approve hiring a two-person security team for Easter. Jim seconded. Discussion followed. Motion carried. Due to Easter quickly approaching, Tom will follow up on this.
- Rooftop Unit: There is a large expenditure needed for a new heating and cooling unit. The cost will be about $10,000. The 2018 budget includes $14,000 for it. The Trustees have requested permission to go ahead with the project. Council approves.
Dale adjourned the meeting. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 7:30 PM.
The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.