- Details
- Written by Sam Gardner Sam Gardner
- Created: February 15 2018 February 15 2018
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM. Pastor Nettleton opened with a devotion on Matthew. The minutes from the November meeting were approved. The official Acts for November and December included a few transfers both in and out of the congregation as well as the baptism of George Locke, Caleb Abel and Crosby Musgrave. Attendance for Sunday services was in line with last year. The Christmas Eve service had low attendance but this is likely due to Christmas Eve being on a Sunday. The financials show December ending about $5,000 in the black, meaning that we ended 2017 we ended about $22 in the black! The Treasurer’s report was approved.
Board Reports
- Children’s Ministry: Things are back up and running for January. The Christmas program went really well. The children have been collecting money for Crossroads Safe House for the last three months and will soon be switching to a new charity to collect for.
- Elderberries: The Thanksgiving meal went well with some in attendance from the surrounding churches. There were about thirty people at each of the noon Advent meals.
- Fellowship: Had about 25 people at each of the evening Advent meals. Held December and January Eat and Greet potlucks.
- Finance: Nothing to report.
- Lay Ministry: Last met in November but nothing to report.
- Parish Education: Have not met. The Sunday morning adult Bible study is working through Galatians.
- Trustees: Have not meet but there are some heating issues that have been brought to the trustees.Discussing replacing more of the upstairs toilets.
- Worship: Met in November and planned for the upcoming Christmas services.
Parish Administrator’s Report
- Office Break-In: There was an office break-in at the beginning of December. It was recorded by our security cameras and has been reported. Nothing was taken or damaged. Staff is considering posting signs at entryways indicating that there are working cameras and there is no cash in the building.
Old Business
- Executive Committee Meeting: The Executive Committee met via email on November 16, 2017. The committee agreed to hire a security guard for the Christmas Eve service. Council approved this action.
- Security Task Force: In the process of putting together a taskforce to determine how we can make the church safer from a security and medical standpoint.
- Shimoda Estate: Saint John’s will be receiving a portion of the Shimoda estate. Council plans to recommend to the congregation at the next congregation meeting that the estate funds be managed by the Foundation.
New Business
- Board Liaison Assignments: Campus Ministry: Kimberly. Children’s Ministry: Zach. Elderberries: June. Fellowship: Sue. Finance: Nancy. Human Needs: Jim. Human Resources: Eric. Lay Ministry: Pastor Nettleton. Outreach: Don. Parish Education: Chuck. Preschool: Stephen. Trustees: Grant. Worship: Sam. Youth: Kimberly.
- 2018 Executive Committee: President Dale Walters; Vice President Don Gibbons; Secretary Sam Gardner; Treasurer Nancy Behm; and Council member at large Grant Wolf.
- Congregation Structure Committee: Pastor Nettleton would like to create a committee to make sure our goals and needs as a congregation match our bylaws and constitution. The recommended names for this committee include Pastor Nettleton, Bruce Bachman, Ron Young, and Ruth Seiler. They would relay back to Council any recommended changes. Council approved a motion to create a committee to study the congregation structure and determine the impacts that has on the bylaws and the constitution, with members as listed above .
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 7:15 PM.
The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.