Poster - Worship Slides

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Poster - Event Slides

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM. Pastor Nettleton opened with a devotion on Psalms. Eric made a motion to approve the August meeting minutes as written; Zach seconded. Motion carried. Pastor Nettleton noted that attendance has been typical for August. Official Acts included receiving a past member back into membership as well as receiving the Stueven family by transfer. We also had a member transfer out and held a funeral for Wil Shimoda. Nancy Behm reported that there have been no unexpected big expenses for August, but income was low. Preschool expenses were high due to the start of the school year. As of the end of August we were in the red about $5,000 and down about $2,000 for the year. Zach made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report; Eric seconded. Motion carried.

Board Reports

  • Campus Ministry: Nothing new to report, but need more board members.
  • Children’s Ministry: Met August 15 to solidify Sunday School plans for fall. Using the “Growing in Christ” curriculum from Concordia Publishing House. Teachers were installed and classes began last Sunday. Planning has begun for the Children’s Christmas program on December 17. Will continue fifth-Sunday service projects.
  • Elderberries: Little attendance at the last potluck and the Nurses Association will be visiting for the September potluck.
  • Fellowship: Will resume first Sunday Eat-and-Greet potlucks October 1.
  • Finance: Nothing to report.
  • Human Needs: On September 24, Kimberly Pepmiller and Nelly Sanford will be giving their Uganda presentation. The Watoto Choir from Uganda will have their benefit concert at Saint John’s October 1. We will need host families for these kids and adults the night of the concert. The event will be advertised in the paper and flyers will be sent to area churches. The Artisan Fair and Bazaar will be November 10 and 11.
  • Human Resources: Nothing to report.
  • Lay Ministry: Met Saturday. Decided to continue providing meals for the Funkes. Much thanks to Nelly for coordinating this
  • Outreach: Meeting Thursday.
  • Preschool: Both classes are full and there are students on the waiting list. There are fundraisers lined up for fall and have purchased bright green t-shirts for field trips. Still preparing for the next Colorado Shines rating. Current chairperson of the board has stepped down. In addition to a new chairperson, the board would like to have another Saint John’s member on the board.
  • Trustees: Compressor for Sanctuary balcony AC unit has died but may not have to be dealt with until spring. Eric and Rudy Nichols are working on this project and getting quotes. Trustees are requesting more details on the list of what needs to be attended to around the building.
  • Worship: Met today. Diane Gilbert has finished the new Reformation banner. Planning is underway for fall services as well as the mass Reformation event.
  • Youth: Met at the end of August and have events laid out for the year. Board is looking for members.

Parish Administrator’s Report

  • Budget requests: Tom gave budget request forms to board liaisons and would like these completed and back to him by the end of the month.

Old Business

  • Church parking signs: Wording for the signs was approved at the August 2017 meeting. Sharon made a motion to remove the “No Trespassing” wording that had been approved. Jo seconded. Discussion followed. A hand vote was taken; motion passed.

New Business

  • Message from the interim President: Per Saint John’s bylaws, Bruce will serve as the interim president though the end of the year. A new president will be elected at the November congregation meeting. The nomination committee will work to find nominees. At this time, Bruce does not wish to be considered for president but will serve on the nomination committee.
  • Election of a new Vice President: With Bruce serving as the interim president, there must be a new vice president elected from Council, who is not already an officer, until a new president is elected. Zach volunteered. Eric made a motion to make Zach the interim Vice President; Joel seconded. Motion carried.
  • Circuit Reformation event: There will be a joint reformation event on October 29th with the other churches in the Longs Peak Circuit. This will be an afternoon service in addition to our regular Sunday morning service.
  • Nomination committee: The nomination committee consists of two Council members, two board members, and one member at large. Bruce and Nancy will be the Council members. Council would like to consider Del Fredin, RoxAnne Karkoff-Schiezer, Ruth Seiler and Jim Bernecker as possible board member representatives. Council would like to ask Steven Moffet and Jeff Wolf to be non-board member representatives. Eric made a motion for Council to contact the above listed people to serve on the nomination committee; Sue seconded. Motion carried.

Open Agenda Items

  • Vision committee: Sharon suggested that we have a vision committee put together to create a vision for the church.
  • Trim for Large Fellowship Hall stage: Zach has all of the information needed to get the wood covered at the front of the stage. The Trustees will look at it to decide what is best.
  • Congregation meeting: The November congregation meeting will be November 12. We will move the Council meeting that month to November 7.

Jo made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Joel seconded. Motion carried. Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 7:50 PM

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.