- Details
- Written by Sam Gardner Sam Gardner
- Created: September 15 2016 September 15 2016
Meeting called to order at 6:13 PM. Pastor Nettleton opened with a devotion from Hebrews 10. Zach moved to approve the June minutes, Eric seconded. Motion approved. June attendance good for summer; July attendance was down but similar to attendance last year at this time. Nikolai’s ordination service was in June and had less in attendance than expected. Had a member death in June. Baptism of Ezra Edelberg in July. June income was $2,965 short of expenses, $354 short for the year. In July we got an offering boost from having five Sundays but were still down $6,702 for the year, mainly due to a $6,000 expense to replace one of the sanctuary air conditioning units. The expense was budgeted for, though the Finance Board may consider suggesting covering the expense with funds from the Dorothy Hill Memorial if needed at the end of the year. Eric motioned to approve the June and July reports, Tim seconded. Motion approved.
Board Reports
- Campus Ministry: Pastor will be meeting with the new senior pastor at Peace with Christ to see how to move forward. Michael Groves resigned from Peace With Christ, so there is currently no one leading campus ministry. However, Peace With Christ has recently hired someone to take Michael’s place.
- Children’s Ministry: VBS was a success. Many thanks to all the helping hands. Dates are already set for the beginning of June next year and we will keep things at the same time of day. We are hoping to have more integration between the Preschool and VBS next year. Should have a meeting soon to make fall Sunday school plans.
- Elderberries: Continuing with the third Thursday potlucks. Going to a Rockies game at the end of August.
- Fellowship: Had nineteen people at the Faith Day at the Rockies event. We originally purchased forty tickets for the event, and we have rescheduled the remaining twenty tickets for a game on September 19. The church picnic is on August 28 at Spring Park. “Eat and Greet” potlucks will start again in October. Looking at having a family fun day at Fort Fun.
- Finance: Has met but nothing to report.
- Human Needs: Still collecting school supplies for Laurel Elementary. This project will be wrapping up soon.
- Human Resources: Has not met.
- Lay Ministry: Nothing to report.
- Outreach: We’ve secured the Rev. Dr. Rod Rosenbladt to come speak for Reformation on November 3. It will be an evening event open to the public.
- Parish Education: Has not met.
- Preschool: Met today. Working on rebranding, a new mission statement and a new philosophy. Would like to have new branding in place for the spring semester. There are thirteen total children registered for 2016–2017 school year; we are very close to our break even point.
- Trustees: Stair rail behind the sacristy has been fixed and just needs to be painted. Have a new Trustee. Will put some temporary strips on the hard-to-see step on the chancel. Zach has a contact to look at possibly refinishing that step. Will put a new toilet in woman’s bathroom upstairs. Meeting on Sunday.
- Worship: Has not met.
- Youth: With a few new youth we are hoping to pick things up this fall.
Parish Administrator’s Report
- 326 Garfield Builder: We signed a contract with one minor change from the original. He is working away and things are looking good.
- Carpets: All of the newer carpet downstairs have been cleaned. This was budgeted for.
- Glass replaced: Glass by the office door was broken during yard sale and has now been replaced. Money for this will come from the Heseder budget.
Old Business
- Wente Estate: Slowly moving forward. Saint John’s has been designated as the representative for the fund and the Foundation will be in charge of this. The Council will have a say in what happens from this point forward.
- Memorial Garden: Hope to have estimates by the November Congregation meeting.
New Business
- Foundation carpet replacement: The Foundation has approved the purchase and installation of new carpet in several parts of the building with worn carpet. Zach may be able to get an additional 15% discount.
Open Agenda Items
- Zach knows a guy: For future carpet cleanings, Zach can get us in touch with someone to get carpets cleaned for less.
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 7:21 PM.
The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.