- Details
- Written by Tom Miles Tom Miles
- Created: September 09 2015 September 09 2015
Pastor Nettleton led a devotion on Mark 7:31–37 and opened the meeting with a prayer. We approved the August minutes, then Pastor Nettleton reviewed the Official Acts for August.
Nancy Behm (treasurer) went over the financial report. August’s income almost met budget. Having five Sundays helped. We ended the month well in the black, leaving our year-to-date at about $9,300 deficit. This is better than this time last year.
The council members who liaise with Saint John’s boards updated Council on current activities. Of note:
- Twelve students are registered for preschool. Classes began with no crying in either class for the second year in a row! The Pre-Kindergarten class (four year olds) meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the Preschool class (threes) meets Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- We are hosting weekly student Bible study here at the church. Michael Groves of Peace With Christ is leading our team effort. The group kicked off their year with a picnic at the Groves’ home.
- Human Needs is preparing for the Thanksgiving Eve food offering. Don’t forget to grab and fill a grocery bag in the weeks before Thanksgiving to help restock our Food Bank! Kimberly and Nelly will give a presentation on their Medical Mission Team work in Uganda and Kimberly’s 2013 work in Kenya on October 11.
- The Trustees were busy over the summer organizing the custodial closet, weeding the parking lot (thanks, Wil Shimoda and Leon Knox!), replacing HVAC filter (thanks, Eric Gardner!) and removing an old hood extinguisher in the kitchen. Thanks to custodian Don Walker, who cleaned the downstairs hallway and office carpets over the summer. The Large Fellowship Hall carpet also got a good cleaning this summer.
- Hope you were able to join us for the Fellowship Board’s church picnic at Spring Park! Make sure you have the Eat and Greet potlucks on your calendar: we will be resuming the first-Sunday activity October 4.
Pastor Nettleton and Tom have been meeting with organist candidates to help Del and Nelly through the rest of the year and potentially take a regular position come 2016.
Art Mullen has agreed to take Chris Powers’ Council seat through the remainder of 2015.
The memorial garden committee (Ron Young, Jo Fredin, Bruce and Scheryl Bachman, Wil Shimoda and Tom Livingston) plans to have an initial proposal to Council by November.
The fall congregation meeting will be held on November 15 at 11:30, after the Bible study hour. The big agenda items are elections and approval of next year’s budget.
- We are forming a six-person nominating committee, as required by the bylaws, led by Pastor Nettleton, RoxAnn Karkhoff-Schweizer and Sue Gardner. The six members will be seeking active congregation members to stand for election to one of the six open Council spots: vice president, secretary or council.
- The 2016 budget process has begun! Boards will be preparing their requests over the next month and Council will review the first draft at their October meeting.
Thanks to Vice President Wil Shimoda for leading this meeting. The next Council meeting will be October 13 at 6:00 PM.
The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.