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Epiphany is a season of revelation and realization, when Jesus overturns expectations to show us how His kingdom really works.

Take the story of Epiphany itself, when, through the visit of the magi, it is revealed that Jesus came to save not just the Jewish people to whom he was born, but to make all humanity God’s chosen people. Who in this little town of Bethlehem would have thought that this infant would change the world?

Or how about the first miracle that Jesus performed, at a wedding in Cana (John 2:1–11)? Once again, He is upsetting the normal course of things. In “God in the Dock,” C.S. Lewis observes that miracles are often God short-circuiting the natural processes that He created—natural processes that are His, therefore, to do with as He pleases! “Each miracle writes for us in small letters something that God has already written, or will write, in letters almost too large to be noticed, across the whole canvas of nature.” Every day, God turns water into wine with a grape vine, which takes up water from the ground to create, out of it and other nutrients, sugar-rich grapes that ferment into wine. It’s a mundane process to us, but it must seem so overly-complicated to Jesus, who carries the whole thing out without so much as a wave of the hand!

St. Luke makes it clear early in his Gospel that Jesus is not being accepted in His hometown. His family, friends and neighbors must have wondered about this boy who was visited by wise men in His infancy and spoke like a wise man (Luke 2:41-50) in His adolescence. When Jesus gets up in front of the people one day and announces “Today the scripture is fulfilled in your hearing,” it’s no surprise that the congregation, rather than shouting, “Amen,” ask, “Isn't this Joseph’s son?” and begin carrying out the punishment for heresy.

Jesus came was born into this world to save us from ourselves: our sin and our evil ways. Should we be surprised that He has to “break a few eggs” in the process? As we worship our King this Epiphany, hearing the expected stories and singing the expected songs, think about how Jesus is moving in unexpected ways in your heart and in your life!

Tom Miles is the Parish Administrator at Saint John’s. You can reach him at the church office Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to Noon and 1:00 to 4:00 pm, at 482-5316 or at