- Details
- Written by Tom Miles Tom Miles
- Created: September 23 2010 September 23 2010
As we once again hear the story of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, it’s natural to wonder how a fragmented church made up of sinful, self-serving humans can ever hope to accomplish God’s mission. We can take hope, though, by seeing all that God accomplishes using worldly items for holy purposes.
In our weekly worship, we hear the word read from a book bound in paper, written by Spirit-guided humans; we feel plain water accomplishing Baptism by the glorious power of God; we taste the forgiveness of our sins in the body and blood of our dear Savior in, with and under bread and wine. These things of the earth, the profane, are put to work by the words and actions of our Savior.
God uses the world to reveal himself and his mission outside the church building, as well. In the study of God’s word, we hear the voice of God speaking to us through the Holy Spirit. When we fellowship with other Christians, we see Christ’s light shining through them. Jesus tells us, in Matthew 25:31-46, that He is in the people we serve: the poor, the hungry and the imprisoned. We should be prepared to meet Jesus at every time and in every place, that we may receive His gifts to us and offer Him our thanks and praise.
In the same way that He uses other elements of His creation to bring about His mission, God uses us as we are, transforming us through His presence and by the means of grace. Our mission—to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”—is revealed and accomplished as we worship and as we serve.
Tom Miles is the Parish Administrator at Saint John’s. You can reach him at the church office Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to Noon and 1:00 to 4:00 pm, at 482-5316 or at miles@StJohnsFC.org.