- Details
- Written by Tom Miles Tom Miles
- Created: March 06 2019 March 06 2019
“Behold the man!” was Pontius Pilate’s short, yet most profound, sermon. Our endeavor this Lententide is to behold the man, God in human flesh, Jesus. As we fix our eyes on the man Jesus, we will contemplate the inescapable fact—indeed the most important fact in the course of human history—that God became man. The Second Person of the eternal triune God took on flesh. He was knit together in the womb of His mother. And from that moment, God had flesh. He has a body just like ours—bones, fingerprints, lungs, eyes and ears—though unspoiled by sin.
As we ponder our Lord's humanity and behold the man, we each confess that with His Body, He “has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person, purchased and won me form all sins, from death and from the power of the devil; not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death.”
Services are at 11:00 AM and 6:30 PM. Join us after the early service for lunch (at Noon) or for dinner, at 5:45 PM, before the evening service.
Ash Wednesday (March 6): “A God Who Hungers” Matthew 6:1–6, 16–21
Pastor Nettleton’s message (mp3)
Download the bulletin (pdf)
March 13: “A God Who Prays” John 17
Pastor Nettleton’s message (mp3)
Download the bulletin (pdf)
March 20: “A God Beaten” John 18:19–24
Pastor Nettleton’s message (mp3)
Download the bulletin (pdf)
March 27: “A God Exposed” John 19:1–5, 23–24
Pastor Nettleton’s message (mp3)
Download the bulletin (pdf)
April 3: “A God with a Mother” John 19:25–27
Pastor Funke’s message (mp3)
Download the bulletin (pdf)
April 10: “A God Who Thirsts” John 19:28–30
Pastor Nettleton’s message (mp3)
Download the bulletin (pdf)
Holy (Maundy) Thursday (April 18): “A God Who Loves” John 13:1–17, 31b–35
Pastor Nettleton’s message (mp3)
Download the bulletin (pdf)
Adapted from a series by Jeffrey Hemmer