- Details
- Written by Tom Miles Tom Miles
- Created: March 17 2015 March 17 2015
The Worship Arts Committee works hard to beautify the Worship Center and provide meaningful appointments to enhance the congregation's worship throughout the year. Here are a few projects they've been working on this year:
Lent Banners
As part of their efforts for Holy Week and Easter this year, the Worship Arts Committee commissioned a set of new banners for the south wall of the sanctuary. These four banners match the new banners for Christmas and those in the upstairs classroom hallway.
We owe special thanks to Diane Gilbert and Joan Smith, who provided the materials, creativity and talent to make these new banners. And to Anita Walters, who coordinated and assisted with the project. What lovely additions to our Lent, Palm Sunday, Holy (Maundy) Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday services!
Worship Center
Del and Jo Fredin once again set up the cloth, pots, branches and other items on the half walls above the chancel in the Worship Center. They first built this beautiful Lenten display last year, and we are blessed to have it in place again. Del and Jo have also been working on refreshing the greens that sit up in these spaces the rest of the year. We hope to have that project completed by the end of the Easter season.
The entire committee will be working on Holy Saturday to transition the Worship Center from Lent to Easter. The church is always so beautiful for Easter because of their efforts! A special thanks to the Altar Guild, as well, for all the work involved with putting together the Garden of Remembrance at the front of the sanctuary.
Sharon Whiteman, a member of the Worship Arts Committee, has replaced the artificial greens that were in the north entrance planter with pots and sets of beautiful season-appropriate plants. Right now you will find items matching the Lenten display in the half walls above the Chancel. Sharon will be changing the display throughout the year.
Additionally, the Worship Arts Committee found and purchased the new furniture in the south entrance. The old chairs and tables were getting a bit ragged. Thanks to Pat Prill and Tracy Young for their work on this project!
Tom Miles is a member of the Worship Arts Committee, which works throughout the church year to enhance the visual aspects of Saint John’s worship.