Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

The Board of Outreach is happy to finally have a new church brochure! This bright and colorful piece shows Saint John’s in action and gives visitors and prospective members a glimpse at our church family.

The brochures are available at the Welcome Center. Please take one if you’d like one for yourself or—especially—if you have someone to pass it along to. The brochures will also be placed at the Fort Collins Visitor Center and out at the State Welcome Center (on Prospect Road) soon.

Pastor Nettleton’s message reads:

We are delighted and honored to have you visit us! At Saint John’s we joyfully believe, teach and confess the Biblical teaching that by His death and resurrection Jesus Christ has won forgiveness, life and salvation for us and all people.

As the Holy Spirit has called and gathered us together to be His church in this place, God richly and abundantly strengthens and nourishes our faith with His gifts of Word and Sacrament. Gathered around Christ’s life-giving gifts, we serve one another and our neighbors near and far with the grace, love and mercy He has shown us. We hope and pray that God will move you to join us in this life we share together in Christ!

We hope you like this new publication piece. Please let a board member—RoxAnn Karkhoff-Schweizer, Pastor Nettleton, Tom Miles or Tracy Young—know if you have any ideas about improvements or other places where we might be able to put the brochure to let our community know about Saint John’s!

The Board of Outreach enlists God’s people at Saint John’s in the work of spreading the gospel to the unchurched and works to deepen the faith and activity of the members of the congregation.