- Details
- Written by Mark and Megan Mantey Mark and Megan Mantey
- Created: March 17 2021 March 17 2021
In the month of February, the Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU) and the Lutheran Theological College Uganda (LTCU) celebrated an important milestone! On the 28th, the LTCU had its inaugural graduation since its opening in 2016. The twenty men that graduated represent all seven regions of Uganda where the LCU serves.
The new graduates greatly assist in the workload of the thirty one pastors in Uganda as they serve over 150 congregations. They work with their deans (district presidents) and other church leaders as they prepare for ordination. Typically in Uganda, men receive more hands-on training and preparation under mentorship before ordination. Then the LCU decides the best course of action for ordination and pastoral service.
The twenty men were sent from their home congregations and deaneries (districts), so there is an understanding they go back to the region/church where they came from before seminary. The men typically serve at several congregations and even help plant churches and evangelize in the same region. Their work greatly assists the LCU in Word and Sacrament ministry while strengthening and growing the Lutheran church in Uganda.
As the graduates begin this next step in ministry, please keep them in your prayers. We are thankful they continue to abide in Christ and stay connected to Him, as well as their LCU leaders, pastors, and mentors. We pray that they can be salt and light to the congregations, schools and communities where they serve, and will continue to grow in knowledge.
We are grateful that we can walk with the Lutheran Church of Uganda in this way as we assist in preparing men for ministry through our roles of teaching and project management. We praise God for this milestone!
Life and Ministry Update
We are thankful for the congregations and communities that welcomed us during our home service this past December–February. Despite the current travel challenges, we were able to connect in person and via Zoom with congregations on the East Coast (from Florida–Maryland) and Colorado. We thank God for his provision for our health, stamina and time with friends and family during our time in the United States.
We are grateful for our network of support that continually provides encouragement, prayers and emails, fist bumps and affirmation that they are praying for us as well as financially supporting the Lord’s work in Uganda. We are amazed at God’s abundant love and support in our lives! We loved sharing about the ministry in Uganda and how we best walk alongside the Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU), especially with how the Holy Spirit was present through the hands of the LCU pastors and leaders during 2020.
After a year since classes have officially been out, the Ugandan government has started to re-open more classrooms. Before, only students in elementary and high school preparing to sit for exams were allowed back. However, now colleges and universities have been able to open more. This means that Megan is now able to resume her work of teaching five courses in Christian education and counseling during this upcoming semester.
Mark and Megan Mantey serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as career missionaries in Uganda. Mark serves as the project manager for the seminary, and Megan is the seminary’s instructor of Christian education and counseling. You can follow their work at www.facebook.com/MissionMindedManteys.