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The men studying at seminary come from all the regions where the Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU) is present, including refugees from South Sudan and Ethiopia. Although their personal stories and backgrounds vary, at seminary they form a close brotherhood as they worship, study and serve together.

The daily routine at the Lutheran Theological College Uganda (LTCU) allows the men to both learn more about God’s Word and practice their newfound knowledge. Each morning students start the day doing devotions with their roommate before other daily occurrences such as chores and breakfast.

Mondays through Fridays are spent in lectures from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Similar to Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod seminaries in the United States, LTCU classes center around Scripture, Lutheran doctrine and practicalities towards preaching, teaching and other duties that will help them be effective in sharing the Gospel in their home regions.

Most of the daily instructors are local LCU pastors who travel from their home regions for a few days a week to teach a class or two. The faculty members who are local, including us, Rev. Dr. Enoch Macben (Principal) and Rev. Peter Maganda (Dean of Students), have flexibility in their schedule for their various responsibilities. This also allows us opportunities to interact with students.

Each day there are Matins and Vespers, with a Confession and Absolution service on Wednesdays. Currently, the Year Two seminary students serve as the worship leaders for Matins and Vespers and an LCU pastor preaches. Some of the Year Two students also go to local congregations on the weekends to serve as worship leaders in the community for Lusoga and English speaking services.

We’re midway through the semester at the seminary. Mid-September brought extra teaching and tutoring opportunities and mid-term exams. Students balance wanting to do well on exams and being eager to go to their home regions for a break. While home, students get much needed family time and check in with the congregations that sent them to seminary and their regional dean. Many also do evangelism and worship leading during this time.

While the students are away, our pace in Jinja changes. It allows us to work on various mission projects, grade midterm exams and papers, prepare for the remaining semester and participate in the additional Lusoga language classes that are challenging to get to during the regular semester schedule.

Meanwhile, the Year Three students serving on vicarage are continuing to faithfully learn and serve. During the mid-semester break, various LCU pastors serving as LTCU faculty supervisors visited the vicars to observe and support them in their ministry. The faculty supervisors are part of the multilayer support system who represent the academic side of the vicarage process and visit the interning students once a semester. The vicars also have vicarage supervisors who are nearby LCU pastors who are available to meet with the students more often.

The LTCU faculty supervisors were able to meet with the students, encourage them in their learning process and answer questions that often come up in ministry. We’re thankful the vicars have a wonderful support system as they put theory from the seminary into practice while serving in their communities.

Mark and Megan Mantey serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as career missionaries in Uganda. Mark serves as the project manager for the seminary, and Megan is the seminary’s instructor of Christian education and counseling. You can follow their work at