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Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin.Matthew 6:28b

When Scottish missionary David Livingstone ventured to bring the Gospel into central Africa, he traveled along the River Shire to the region that eventually became the beautiful country of Malawi. In August, John visited the “Warm Heart of Africa” and met with members and pastors of the Confessional Lutheran Church—Malawi Synod.

This church has grown substantially in the past decade, with 91 congregations in Malawi and neighboring Mozambique and eleven church buildings, but only six pastors. Chichewa-speaking people are eager to hear the Gospel and know Christ as their Savior.

Pastor Davis Wowa, Executive Chairman of the CLCMS, graciously escorted us to visit a congregation in Liwonde enroute to his home church in Mzuzu to attend a Women’s Conference with LCMS Deaconess Grace Rao and Missionary Shara Osiro.

At Mzuzu, we were greeted with a jubilant song about Creation as the ladies of the Women’s League walked us into the church. Women in the CLCMS have played a valuable role in helping the church grow. Although most congregations meet under a tree or rented building, the CLCMS annually builds a new church, raising most funds themselves. The joy of stewardship and sense of ownership were blessings to see as this young church tells others about Christ.

John Wolf is the Africa Region Project Manager for the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. He and his family, with the support of LCMS churches like Saint John’s, are serving in Kenya. Please keep them in your prayers! We encourage you to follow their family blog,, which is also where you can sign up to their mailing list and make donations.