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- Written by Nelly Sanford Nelly Sanford
- Created: January 31 2013 January 31 2013
We have a wonderful opportunity to reach out to those in need around the world by supporting Lutheran World Relief’s “Baskets of Promise” project.
Here is a note from John Nunes, president/CEO of LWR, on the project:
During the forty days of Lent we are called to walk together with Christ and reflect on the self-giving love of His death on the Cross. As we take this extraordinary journey, let us not forget our brothers and sisters in need—the “least of these” whom Christ calls us to serve.
Around the world, people suffer each day because of lack of basic hygiene. In refugee camps and in the world’s poorest communities, a few simple items can mean the difference between sickness and health, life and death. This Lent, LWR will collect Personal Care Kits that provide basic hygiene tools to our brothers and sisters in need around the world. We are in great need of these kits and making them together as a congregation is a great way to fill that need while engaging members of all ages in global service.
I pray that your congregation’s Lenten season is a time of reflection and renewal in Christ and that your Easter is a joyous celebration.
In response to Dr. Nunes’ appeal, Saint John’s will be collecting needed health care items each Sunday during Lent. Please check the schedule, below, for what to bring each Sunday. The items will be assembled during the fellowship time the Sunday after Easter. Even our children can help assemble kits to send off.
The congregational goal will be 100 kits. Chris Rattenborg is chairing this drive. You may address questions or offer assistance to her. Look for the Baskets of Promise display near the Welcome Center prior to Ash Wednesday.
Nelly Sanford chairs Saint John’s Board of Human Needs, which finds opportunities for the members of Saint John’s to provide a Christian witness by helping people in the community struggling with daily necessities.