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Poster - Event Slides

The Board of Human Needs is working on two big projects during the months of April and May.

Baby Bottle Campaign

Our annual “Baby Bottle Campaign” for the Alpha Center begins on Mother’s Day and ends Father’s Day. Each year the Alpha Center provides counsel and support to hundreds of men and women facing difficult decisions about pregnancy-related issues, sexual health and relationships. Through the Baby Bottle and other fundraising campaigns, they are able to advise these men and women about making healthy lifestyle decisions and, more importantly, about the love of Jesus Christ.

What is a baby bottle campaign? This is one of the Alpha Center’s primary fundraisers—they raised almost $30,000 through it last year! Each family takes home an empty bottle, puts it in a noticeable place and fills it with spare change. Simply return your bottle to the church and we’ll take it from there! Bottles will be distributed at the end of services for families to fill with coins, bills, or checks as donations to the Alpha Center.

As you fill your bottle, let your children be part of the giving. Explain as much as you feel they are ready to hear about making healthy choices as they grow in age and in Christ.

Easter Gift Bags

We also support Laurel Elementary at Easter through gift bags. The board purchased health items (and some candy!) for the homeless children that attend Laurel. We put together and distributed 32 gift bags to these children this year.

Get Involved!

If you would like to be a part of our board and participate in all human needs projects sponsored by the board, please consider joining us. We meet quarterly and are looking to include all of Saint John’s members who have a heart for meeting the needs of the disadvantaged in Fort Collins.

Currently, we need volunteers from the 10:45 service to help with Baby Bottle distribution and pick up. Please speak with Marlis Lane, Nelly Sanford or any of the other members if you can help.

As Jesus reminds us, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Nelly Sanford chairs Saint John’s Board of Human Needs, which finds opportunities for the members of Saint John’s to provide a Christian witness by helping people in the community struggling with daily necessities.