- Details
- Written by Tom Miles Tom Miles
- Created: April 08 2011 April 08 2011
Habitat for Humanity uses volunteer labor and donations to build and rehabilitate simple, decent houses for families in need who are willing to invest sweat equity and make a down payment and keep up with monthly payments on an affordable mortgage. Families are chosen based on their level of need, willingness to partner in the program and their ability to repay the loan.
In December, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans announced that it would contribute $10.4 million toward building houses in 2011. Saint John’s has been invited to join the approximately 450,000 Lutheran volunteers who over the past five years have contributed nearly three million hours to build 1,500 homes. We’ll partner with other local Lutheran Churches to help a family achieve the dream of home ownership. You can help in the following ways:
Donate: Thrivent is covering 55% of the cost of our project house, leaving another 10% to be raised by partner churches. One church has already pledged well over half of this amount, and Saint John’s and the other five churches in the project will provide the remaining $6,000.
Work: To offer your construction skills, sign up online at FortCollinsHabitat.org for any Thursday, Friday or Saturday date. Also, please plan to help at the “Blitz Build,” which will be April 29 and April 30, weather-permitting.
Cook: We will be providing a few meals for workers throughout the project. We’ll be seeking volunteers to help with preparation and serving.
The ground-breaking for this year’s project will be on April 17. The house is a single-family unit next to the project house we worked on in 2009. Please watch the bulletin for details about this project and how you can get involved!
For more information about Saint John’s involvement in Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity, please contact the church office.