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- Created: February 15 2018 February 15 2018
This month we are highlighting the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League’s “Current Missionary Need” grant of $100,000. This grant is one of the LWML’s 22 Mission Grants for 2017–2019. Funds have already been disbursed for this grant and we thank God for that.
Current Missionary Need
Mission Central, located in Mapleton, Iowa, seeks to serve as an avenue for continued support for LCMS mission projects and missionaries throughout the world to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This grant provides for a variety of necessary missionary resources, such as orientation and training, language training, transportation to and in the country of service and on furlough, various types of insurance, housing, medical care, utilities and education of missionary children.
Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Since 1942, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and by supporting global missions. For more information on each month’s mission focus, visit LWML.org. Saint John’s Mission Guild (LWML) meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in Room 301. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend.