- Details
- Written by Tom Miles Tom Miles
- Created: April 30 2015 April 30 2015
The Rocky Mountain District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the district to which Saint John's belongs, is holding its 50th District Convention this June. District conventions are held once every three years, in the summer before the national convention. Pastor Nettleton will be attending the convention along with Kevin Seiler, our congregation representative. They will meet, worship and plan with representatives from congregations throughout the district, which includes congregations in Colorado, New Mexico and Utah.
A special offering will be taken at the worship service at the convention. The money raised in this offering will be divided equally between the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and the Rocky Mountain District Disaster Response Funds. These funds are used to respond to disasters around the world. For example, the LCMS recently sent $25,000 to Lutheran World Relief to be used for LWR's relief efforts in Nepal after the devastating earthquake there.
Jim Tuell, Chairman of the Rocky Mountain District Board of Directors, sent a letter to Saint John's and the other congregations of the Rocky Mountain District explaining this plan and seeking our assistance:
Over the last triennium, our district saw numerous significant disaster events affecting the personal and community life within our district. Our's district's congregations were on the front lines in the wake of these disasters, being the merciful hands and feet of Christ, offering emotional and spiritual comfort, financial assistance and a Godly presence to those in need. Through our partnership with the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod's Disaster Response and the combined efforts of the Rocky Mountain District's Disaster Response, we have been able to distribute in excess of $850,000 in the last triennium to district congregations for disaster relief.
He continues,
Although we cannot predict when or where the next disaster will occur, it is almost assured that another disaster event will take place within our district. To meet those future needs, financial support is imperative. These funds allowed our congregations to model Christ's earthly ministry by showing mercy to those in need (Matthew 25:40). With your offerings at convention, we will be able to continue this show of mercy and demonstrate that our life together is indeed in Christ.
If you are interested in contributing to this special worship offering for these important funds, please drop your donation into the offering plate marked “District Convention Offering.” We will send all of the money raised with Pastor Nettleton and Kevin when they travel to Denver for the convention.
Tom Miles is the Parish Administrator at Saint John’s. You can reach him at the church office Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to Noon and 1:00 to 4:00 pm, at 482-5316 or at miles@StJohnsFC.org.