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- Written by Nelly Sanford Nelly Sanford
- Created: May 22 2014 May 22 2014
The Human Needs Board has been busy coordinating projects to help people in our community and beyond. Here are updates on a few:
Alpha Center Bottle Fundraiser
Bottles for the Alpha Center are being filled as we speak/read! 100 baby bottles were distributed to the Saint John’s family on Mothers’ Day. (If you did not get yours, there are extras available at the Welcome Center.)
Fort Collins’ Alpha Center is a Christian counseling center which helps young people with difficult choices around sexual health and unplanned pregnancies. We have supported them through this fundraiser for a number of years and hope to do so again, with our Lord’s blessing.
Please return your baby bottle on Father’s Day, June 22, filled with change, cash or a check to support the Alpha Center. If you forget, please get it to the office as soon after Father’s Day as you can. Thanks!
Food and Clothing Bank Needs
Saint John’s Food and Clothing Bank continues every Tuesday morning from 9:00 to 11:30 am. Donations of gently used clothing and non-perishable food items can be left in the back of the Small Fellowship Hall.
We are always in need of baby and children’s clothing and household items. If you would like to come by on Tuesdays we can usually put you to work … or just come and share a cup of coffee! Fran, Barb, Marlys, Sandy, and Dorla will always welcome you!
Heseder Happenings
The Peru Mission Trip is July 19–30. Kimberly Pepmiller is the team leader and she is taking along Tim & Janet, Tom, Sammi, and June & Loren. These seven will be assisting in the construction of a church along the Amazon River in eastern Peru. Watch the bulletin in July for a list of items the group would like to pack in their suitcases to deliver to the village where they will be working. In preparation for their trip, Janet Else will be sharing cultural information with the group in June.
After the trip is over, they will get the pictures sorted and put a presentation together. The Peru Heseders will share in a Sunday morning adult Bible class on some of the many blessings they and the Peruvians received. If you’ve never had “mission fever”, come see and prepare to be moved!
The Heseders have been seeking to commit to a local mission project which we can support year after year. After Gilda Mark’s powerful presentation during the Mental Health studies this fall, many were moved to assist her with the Native American population. We have discovered the Wind River Lutheran Mission Church (LCMS) in Fort Washakie, Wyoming. This little congregation has been serving the reservation for many years. The Heseders are sending a small group, led by Elise Smith, to the Mission Church June 27–29 to gather information, worship with the congregation and plan a mission trip for the end of the summer. Please pray with us as we educate ourselves and wait on the Holy Spirit for guidance.
Nelly Sanford chairs Saint John’s Board of Human Needs, which finds opportunities for the members of Saint John’s to provide a Christian witness by helping people in the community struggling with daily necessities.