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- Written by Bill Funke Bill Funke
- Created: December 31 2012 December 31 2012
It has been said, "Everyone, in most cases, has the choice each morning to decide what kind of day they are going to have.” Most agree with that, whether it is a personal attitude, a business attitude and, yes, even the attitude and direction of a church.
We sometimes look at very successful people, families, businesses and churches and imagine that they have gotten to where they are without bumps and bruises along the way. The earliest followers of Christ were never promised that, because of their position, their paths would be easy. On the contrary, they were told that a life of discipleship would be more difficult than they could have expected.
We, as individual followers of Christ and of His church—yes, his church—fall into errors in judgement, decision-making and reaction to problems. Saint John’s has had its share of times when these errors, especially our reactions to problems, have been rampant. It is now our choice to either spend time bemoaning the problems, perpetuating an unpleasant situation, or to give thanks for blessings beyond our worthiness as individuals or a congregation.
Saint John’s has been a vehicle for God’s love for over one hundred years because it has been a place where His Word is preached and taught by His grace. Try to improve on that! Look around and see works being done because of love for the Savior. See the many gathering times being provided, the beautiful house of worship, members caring for the needs of others, people willing to see that things are being done to the glory of our God. Consider one change that could only be because of His grace and will: adult Bible study at Saint John’s. We have two classes on Sunday mornings, two classes on Wednesday mornings, a group meeting Friday morning and groups meeting every other week, on Wednesdays and Fridays. The astounding thing about these classes is the amazing growth in attendance and the emergence of people to lead them. It is almost unheard of to have nearly half of the Sunday morning church attendance represented in Bible class during the week.
How could anyone not see God’s hand reaching into the life of Saint John’s with even more blessings? It is now up to each member to decided how to accept these blessings. Bumps? Yes—but the Savior is enduring these bumps with us. Therefore the outcome is assured! To God be the glory!
The function of the Fellowship Board is to strengthen the bond of fellowship between congregational members spiritually and to help build mutual cooperation, trust, encouragement and enjoyment among the members of the congregation socially.