Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus, our light and our salvation. Much has changed since our last letter, but God remains faithful.

The fall was my most difficult semester yet at seminary, but finishing out the term also meant completing the entire MDiv program! Rather than taking a call right away, we decided to stay for at least one additional year of coursework as I pursue an STM degree, which will better qualify me to teach at the college or seminary level. I really value the further education as it will aid me to speak boldly and knowledgeably in my future ministry, whether that’s here in the states or overseas. I think this is one way God is preparing me to be a blessing to the next generation of pastors and church workers.

After the hectic finish to the fall semester, we enjoyed a long vacation in Colorado with family. Now we are all appreciating the flexibility of my being an STM student. Instead of fourteen or fifteen hours of class per week, I’m only taking six and the rest of the time can be given to reading, writing, tickling kids or building igloos.

Grace continues to give unfailing support to me in my studies as our three children (and one more on the way) occupy 350% of her attention, energy and patience. She is preparing to teach Larson at home this fall as he will be starting kindergarten. Currently, Larson is into writing, Robin Hood and the Lion King. Any scrap of paper that doesn’t get scribbled on and bound into a book or scroll gets pulverized by a small pair of scissors, skillfully wielded into “money.” Hollen is saying more and more that we can understand, and the days of our smiling and nodding seem pretty much over. She has staked her inalienable claim to the blue plate, bowl, cup and cutlery, and likes to help out by setting the table. Adelaide sleeps in the same room with her siblings now and likes to sit on the couch like a lady. She walks a lot, especially when looking for Mommy, or being chased by Daddy. Hollen and Larson love making her laugh.

We are so grateful to everyone who has offered prayers and support to us during our seminary and vicarage years. It is encouraging to be surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, and we pray that God would bless your witness, as you live and speak God’s word of life each and every day. To God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be all glory, honor and praise.

Benjamin Vanderhyde served as an intern at Saint John’s the summer of 2017. He is a student at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. During his vicarage year, Ben and his wife, Grace, served the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as missionaries in Sri Lanka. In his role as vicar, Benjamin trained up musicians to serve the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church while assisting the other LCMS missionaries serving in Sri Lanka with their work and learning from them.