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- Written by Jill Hudak Jill Hudak
- Created: February 24 2015 February 24 2015
It will be a busy Lent and Easter season for the children of Saint John’s Sunday School!
Thanks to all who helped with the February service event. Diana Carlson made beautiful hand puppets for the children of Nueva Palestina, Peru, the village to which Saint John's sent a five-person mission team over the summer. There were at least a dozen puppets that will be used by missionaries to teach four major bible stories. Stories used in Sunday Schools around the world! Our children, with the the help of their teachers, created some supplemental props that will accompany Diana's puppets: an ark, pairs of animals, a rainbow, lions and nativity animals.
The children's March servant event will be to take part in the Northern Colorado “Slammin’ Famine” event. After a quick lunch at the church on March 1, the children and some parents and teachers will be carpooling to The Ranch in Loveland. They will be assisting in putting together “MannaPack” meals for starving children around the world. We have twenty spots reserved for our team, and will be working from Noon to 2:00. Be sure and ask the children about the event afterwards—they will love to tell you what they did!
The Sunday School children will be singing a song during our Palm Sunday service on March 29. They will be part of the palm-waving processional that morning and then sing their song. Be sure your kids are present at Sunday School throughout March so they can learn the song and be part of the festivities in church on this special day!
The New Life Festival is coming soon! Last year's Festival was well-attended and quite a blessing for all participants. The Maxwells are once again directing the event this year. It will be Saturday, April 4, from 10:00 until Noon, with many activities, including a bounce house, seed planting, crafts, games and an egg hunt. Please watch the bulletin for further information, and please sign up as a volunteer to help with an activity station or snacks!
Saint John’s Sunday School Team teaches and plans activities for the children of the congregation, age two through sixth grade.