Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

August is the end of our summer session. Many thanks to Chris and Diana Fields for leading our children in June and July! We have several exciting activities lined up for August and September:

Sunday School Volunteer Meeting and Clean Up

On Saturday, August 23, we will provide breakfast for everyone at 9:00 AM then have a meeting while we eat. Sometime between 9:30 and 10:00 we will adjourn and go freshen up the Sunday School rooms.

Our families and children are welcome to eat and pitch in with the cleaning. All in the congregation are invited, just let Jill know you are coming so we can plan the food!

Rally Day Celebration

The Sunday School will kick off the new school year on Sunday, September 7, with a morning of worship, games and snacks during the Sunday School hour. The children will meet their teachers and new classmates. Pastor Nettleton will install the teachers in the service that morning.

Saint John’s Sunday School Team teaches and plan activities for the children of the congregation, age two through sixth grade.