- Details
- Written by Tom Miles Tom Miles
- Created: July 29 2013 July 29 2013
Staff petitioned the Foundation for funds to provide a portable communion case to each of the Lay Ministers to allow them to assist Pastor Nickel with serving communion to our homebound members (see Pastor Nickel’s article, “Lay Ministry Developments” for details). The board found that the money remaining in one of the Foundation's memorial funds would be just enough to cover this expense.
The family agreed to utilize the funds in the memorial for this purchase, and soon twelve new, zippered portable communion service kits arrived for the Lay Ministers to use.
Each case has a container for the consecrated wafers and a small bottle for the consecrated wine as well as a stock of disposable communion cups and a copy of the communion liturgy.
The mission of the Foundation is to receive gifts, memorials, insurance proceeds, stock and other financial documents in order to provide funds for needed projects and missions within the Church.