Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

The idea for a garden came from a number of members here at Saint John’s. Mostly from those who had lost loved ones and supported a special area with landscape features—an area to gather which would include a columbarium. They believed a garden-type area would also improve the architectural appearance of the north side of the Church.

There were three families that provided the finances to study the area, provide the engineering and ultimately the conceptual and construction plans. These steps included drainage issues, handicapped accessibility, access and repair and replacement of existing landscaping. The plans were presented to the Church Council who made modifications to The Garden.

The construction of The Garden, which has been approved by the congregation, will begin the first part of September and should be completed within sixty days.

Features will include three locations for religious features, seating for approximately 25 people, handicapped accessibility, scripture verses on special pavers, beautiful plantings, security and lighting systems and a columbarium that will ultimately contain over 200 niches. The Garden may also be accessed directly from within the north entry foyer.

The Garden will be a wonderful place to pray, reflect and enjoy the quiet setting. There will be seating for groups to meet, Bible study, and special gatherings such as wedding parties.

People may donate funds in recognition of a loved one and have their names inscribed on a special donor plaque which will hang in the north entry.

There is a special effort underway to improve the landscape/architectural appeal of our church. The Garden will be a beautiful addition to the exterior appearance.

As of this article, we are still in need of approximately $38,000 to complete the project. Please consider contributing to this special project. There are envelopes in the pews for this purpose. You can also place your contribution in the offering plate noting “The Garden” on your check.

The mission of the Foundation is to receive gifts, memorials, insurance proceeds, stock and other financial documents in order to provide funds for needed projects and missions within the Church.