Poster - Worship Slides

Poster - Front-and-Center Slides

Poster - Event Slides

The meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM. Pastor Nettleton led a devotion centered on the Fifth Petition from Luther’s Small Catechism and focusing on the relationship between prayer and the forgiveness of sins. The minutes for the October 15 meeting were approved. Pastor Nettleton mentioned the October 9 funeral for Imogene Frances Ahlbrandt. The council noted that expenses and spending for the current year are on target with the budget but that revenue is only slightly exceeding 90% of projections. Given timing considerations in the current budget year this circumstance was not viewed as being unexpected or otherwise out of the ordinary.

Board Reports

  • Grant provided the sole board liaison report on behalf of the Trustees by highlighting the recent cleanup day that was held following an earlier postponement due to inclement weather.

Parish Administrator’s Report

  • With recognition of Don Walker’s nearly fifteen years of valued service, Tom discussed changes being made in how custodial services will be provided. A smooth transition is expected with a local Fort Collins cleaning service scheduled for Tuesday and Saturday evenings. Some spot checking consisting of four to five hours per week will also be done in addition to the possibility of seeking some volunteer efforts from members of the Congregation.
  • The council discussed and agreed that it would be appropriate to provide donuts, bagels and fruit along with regular beverage refreshments during the Congregational meeting scheduled for November 17.

Old Business

  • Pastor Nettleton summarized ongoing efforts by the Nomination Committee to secure a full slate of candidates to represent the congregation on the 2020 Council. The final slate of candidates will be presented to and voted upon by the congregation at the November 17 congregation meeting.

New Business

  • The council discussed approved LCMS terminology and the adoption of consistent practices for reporting Official Acts in the monthly congregation newsletter.
  • Following a short discussion, the council approved a proposed agenda for the November 17 congregation meeting. In addition to conducting the 2020 election, the meeting will center on the distribution of a current financial report, approval of the 2020 budget, updates on the congregational restructuring process, installation of the new heating system and a Foundation report.

Open Agenda Items

  • Pastor Nettleton provided an informative update on his recent participation in the Doxology program offered by the Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care and Counsel in Donaldson, Indiana.
  • Following Pastor Nettleton and Tom’s departure from the meeting, those who remained discussed at great length and in thorough detail the proposed draft version of the 2020 congregation budget. Among the topics considered were salary adjustments made in the two most recent budgets, job descriptions and responsibilities, and the relationship between projected revenues and expenses. Ultimately—and with two salary adjustments made in to the proposed draft—Council approved the budget for congregational approval at the November 17 congregation meeting.

The next two council meetings are scheduled for December 13, 2019, and January 14, 2020. The meeting closed with members standing and saying the Lord’s Prayer.

The thirteen members of the Church Council are the “Board of Directors” of the congregation, tasked with general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.