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Poster - Event Slides

The 49th Rocky Mountain District LWML convention was held at the Millennium Harvest House Hotel in Boulder, Colorado, June 8–10, 2018. The convention theme was “Bold in Christ,” from 2 Corinthians 3:12, “Since we have such a hope, we are very bold.”

Over 220 people attended the convention including delegates, the board of directors, past district presidents, guests, young women representatives, teens, pastors and committee members. June Donaldson and Diane Harding, from Saint John’s Mission Guild, were voting delegates at the convention. Arlene Knox and LeOra Spence also attended, as members/guests.

Thirteen Mission Grant recipients for the 2018–2020 biennium were selected, for a total Mite goal of $82,314. The following projects were chosen:

  • Intern at Navajo Reservation in New Mexico $9,600
  • Trinity/HOPE $5,000
  • University Lutheran Chapel, Boulder $6,000
  • Messiah Lutheran Campus Ministry at Colorado Mesa University $6,000
  • Fostering Faith in the Forest (LVR) $5,000
  • St. Andrew Lutheran Church Plant $6,700
  • Biblical Orthodox Lutheran Mission $7,500
  • Lutherans for Life Post-Abortion Crisis Hotline $5,000
  • The Table at Bethlehem Lutheran Church $5,000
  • Financial Assistance for Concordia Theological Seminary Food Co-op $8,000
  • To Establish Lutheran Seminary in Sierra Leone $10,000
  • Lutheran Books for Missionaries around the World $5,000
  • Dominican Republic Disability Ministry (partial) $3,514

As part of the convention, all attendees were asked to bring baby “layettes”. Each layette consisted of a onesie, a sleeper, a bottle, a pacifier, baby wipes, a receiving blanket and diapers, all rolled up in a crib blanket. A total of 647 layettes were distributed between Navajo Mission, Ysleta Lutheran Mission and Orphan Grain Train.

There were three enrichment sessions that all attendees were encouraged to attend. The speakers were:

  • Gary Thies from Mapleton, Iowa. His session was called “Who are Real Missionaries? It’s Time to Wake up and Be Not Normal.”
  • Kathy Tripcony from Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fort Collins. Kathy introduced the attendees to Cubby, “Colorado’s Lutheran Church Charities Comfort Dog,” and spoke on what Cubby has done around the U.S.
  • Carol von Soosten gave a presentation called “Bold, Bolder, Boldest: Reaching Out Through Christ.”

Three offerings were taken at the convention. The first offering, $2,804.49, was set aside for the 2018–2020 Mite Goal. The second was $2,128.54 to purchase solar ovens for Orphan Grain Train. Lutheran Church Charities Comfort Dogs was the beneficiary of the third offering, of $2,038.15. Another $1,275 was raised for the Mite Goal through the Mission Walk for Mites ($1,130) and donations for the convention logo coasters ($145).

Debbie Yocky, from the Northern New Mexico Zone, was elected as the new Rocky Mountain District LWML president. She will serve a four-year term.

Sylvia Bean, Debbie Yocky and Carol von Soosten

The next LWML Rocky Mountain District convention will be in Keystone, Colorado in the year 2020.

Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Since 1942, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and by supporting global missions. For more information on each month’s mission focus, visit Saint John’s Mission Guild (LWML) meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in Room 301. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend.